WHAT. Portland Costco Children's Miracle Network
When. Saturday ,May 23 From 10am to 2pm
Where. 02 Portland Costco 4849 NE 138th Portland, Or
why . To raise money for C M N
We will be setting up the backdrop for pictures and selling t shirts, popcorn,cottoncandy to help raise money.
We will need to be there by 9:30 to be ready by 10:00. Costco will have food and drinks for us.
Same as the Cosco Event in Albany but in Portland area, This is the Costco that Rick and Chris V. work.
Lets show our support and Roster up for this. Children's Miracle Network is a Great Charity.
Rick H. --Chewy
Chris V--Boba Fett
Michael W. Tusken Raider
Rob F.--Spotter
Patrick-- Vader