Author Topic: Lee's Tanker Build  (Read 1687 times)


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Lee's Tanker Build
« on: May 22, 2018, 07:29:55 PM »
Some of you know I've been in the works on this the last 2 weeks. Some of you don't known at all, and that's alright, that's why we have this :P

Back in March after ECCC I decided the Assault Tank would be the next big kit to work on after my RC was done. Well the RC has been submitted so it's time to move onto here! I did as much research as I could and decided that the old Sean Field's 3D Print files were good enough to start my journey on something we don't see much at all in our Garrison.

Since my 3D Printer is in the hands of a friend to keep it maintained, I've had to send him filament to get the job done. Thankfully he's been kind enough to use multiple printers at his disposal to give me my first week of prints before he went on vacation.

After a lot of sanding and spot putty, I started to feel pretty good over how it was starting to shape up. Most of the lines were filling at this point and after a few rounds of filler primer and more sanding I felt confident it was time for the paint application. Luckily Blick had a good supply of what I needed after a failure by Amazon to provide me the correct paint and won't let me exchange or return.
Which brings us to this area here, a finished Shoulder bell, one of two as the second is in progress of being printed.

Next I moved onto the forearm and the hand plates...
Again, a dry rough sanding to fill in the lines with some medium grit paper
and the putty process begins. while that dried I started the hand plates
The hand plates are made from PETG which my friend wanted to experiment with. Basically telling me it's the equivalence of hips.  It certainly feels like and yet strong, but it's taken a lot of sanding and filling to get to the point of primering and painting. But I did it!

At this time, I got a good dose of primer on there filling in areas and it's getting fairly smooth. I need to thoroughly get  into those recessed details and try to even them out a bit. There were a lot of gaps from the print job so it's been hard to fill them correctly and sand them due to it being a tight area. I'll probably have to do this by hand.

So far, that's it. I'll have the biceps, a forearm and shoulder bell this weekend to work on so I'm hoping in another week I'll have the arm portions complete.
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Offline Ilovesanddirt

Re: Lee's Tanker Build
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2018, 07:39:05 PM »
Whoa!!!! Looking good!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Re: Lee's Tanker Build
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2018, 02:01:40 PM »
Alright! Slow progress right now, Solo movie premiere with you guys,  the armor part on saturday, sunday was a funeral for a lost comrade of the cosplay community so there was only today to work and work I did.

gloves arrived, handplates weathered, LOOKS FANTASTIC!

Shoulder bells look great, really happy. One of them was made in ABS and god it was so much easier to work on after a little resin to give it a more solid and firm strength enhancement.

1 forearm is done, the other is undergoing a reprint cause I mocked it up a bit and didn't wanna fix it so I figured just print a new one.

Bicep is undergoing some resin treatment on the inside and then I'll begin the rest of its treatment while the other bicep prints.

Undershirt arrives tomorrow and while getting the next bicep prepped for finishing I'll have the belt assembly undergoing printing followed by the rear end of the belt and the thermal detonator. Shins will be printed in another week or two as a test scale....I'm doing it straight at Sean's scale to see how they fit, if they feel and look fine I'll finish them off.

I'd say by Mid June I'll be under going the final push to getting the main body complete.

Really I just hope every week or so I'll have some posts for updates versus rambling.
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