Author Topic: May 21st - MySQL maintenance and probable downtime  (Read 3840 times)

Offline stevo502

May 21st - MySQL maintenance and probable downtime
« on: May 14, 2019, 08:32:53 AM »
Hello all-

On Tuesday May 21st, our hosting site (Dreamhost) is going to be doing some upgrades to our database and we'll probably have some downtime. Details from them:

On May 21st, between 4:00pm and 10:00pm PST, we will be performing a few upgrades on your shared MySQL server, amphitryon.

We expect the process to take up to 30 minutes total, and once this has completed, your MySQL server will be running Ubuntu Bionic and MySQL 5.7.

You may notice that your MySQL databases are unreachable for brief periods, or your website may behave unexpectedly while we complete the upgrade. This is normal, and your sites and databases will be back online as soon as the upgrade is complete!
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Offline stevo502

Re: May 21st - MySQL maintenance and probable downtime
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2019, 08:51:32 AM »
This is happening today, just to remind everyone. The forums may be unavailable sporadically this evening.

Today, between 4:00pm and 7:00pm PDT, we will be performing a software upgrade on your shared MySQL server.

We expect the process to take up to 1 hour total, and once this has completed, your MySQL server will be running Ubuntu Bionic.

You may notice that your MySQL databases are unreachable for brief periods, or your website may behave unexpectedly while we complete the upgrade. This is normal, and your sites and databases will be back online as soon as the upgrade is complete!
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