Glorious day for an armor party with some first-class people from Cloud City Garrison and Kashyyyk Base (Star Wars Oregon)! Got a ton of trimming done on my kit while getting expert advice from Scott (NavySith). I can not over state how much it helps being connected with others in doing this project. Post will be short on pictures, I was really focused on getting as much trimming done as my hands would allow (gloves...must wear them kids- I am glad I did!).
Also, out of my apartment I was working on a cheap portable plastic table that I wasn't worried about cutting into, which made the work go faster than the trimming I was doing at home. Some of the pieces were quite difficult to cut due to the location of adjacent pieces, most notably the forearms and bicep (see below). Although I am sore from the cutting, I was sort of sad to park the kit in the storage unit where it will live when I am not working on it. Will be a few days before I can get back at it- but making progress!