Hello Cloud City Garrison! I am hoping to work towards membership! I have a kit that is FX armor I realize the helmet will have to go and I'm already working on getting a new one from OG 1976 molds I have a complete costume already but some of the little details need to be addressed (e.g. my holster is modeled after ESB while I'm hoping to go for a ANH kit) i have also moderately weathered more like "battle worn" the armor (minimally but noticeably). Looking through my options the best "role" for me to pick up in the 501st would be a sandtrooper ANH. There are a few details in the guidelines I'd to discuss to I can mobilize on prepping my kit to 501st standards bc after a few rewatches there are certain details that I would judge to be appropriate and screen-accurate deviations from what would be considered "standard" but I digress. I am currently living in California but will be moving to Corvallis, OR in the fall to attend OSU. I'm not exactly sure how private this chat is or I would leave my contact information. Please reply and we will go from there!