Good Afternoon All,
My name is Chris and I am currently working on a Rogue One Darth Vader. I have all my parts either on order (and waiting...) or I have them in hand. I was recruited by a great guy, Nathan Willis, at a Boba Fett signing at The Star Wars Store in Washington Square Mall. We spoke a lil bit about it and mentioned that I would make an amazing Vader with my size and frame, I am 6'6 and 256lbs and I also use to compete in bodybuilding like the legendary David Prowse. So I got very interested and joined the Sith Lord Detachment and their forum and now the Cloud City Garrison. Here is my current WIP for those that may be curious...
Helmet: Bookface - Ordered
Armor: Bookface - Ordered
Shins: Bookface - Ordered
Chest Box: NathanZX10R - Received
Belt: Barkydog - Received
Belt Boxes: Fenix Props ANH Kit - Ordered
Buckle: Portumac - Received
Leather Body Suit: Fenix Props - Ordered
Cape Set: KJB - Ordered
Saber: BrotherVader ESB converted to RO by NathanZX10R - Received
Gloves: EndorFinder - Received
Cod Piece: Fenix Props ROv2 - Ordered
Boots: Leather Riding Boots - Received
Voice and Breathing System: MiCom 2.0 - Ordered on Run List Shipping before Christmas
Hopefully everything will be completed by late January or sooner I am hoping. I am really looking forward to trooping with you all and getting my costume approved by the 501st.