13 Troopers converged to this Event..Patrick-Vader, Tony was a Jedi, Karyn-Leia, James-TB, Nick2-TB, Michael G-TK, Carlos--TK and ATST driver, Katie--Endor Leia, Michael W.-Tusken, Me --TK, Will-TK, David-TK, and Bill-- Mando Merc. They were OUTSTANDING. Phil ,Vicki, Matt, and Patrick's Wife and daughter helped as Spotters. Thank you to all. Thank you Tony and Barry for getting this Event off the ground and going.
It was HOT. The Autism group were so nice, and the kids were fun. Oaks Park was a fun place. We had plenty of WATER, and shade. You guys really show what trooping is all about trooping in this weather. Phil took a bunch of pictures which I will post in gallery Album. Everyone was great. nice visiting with folks. and a Friend of mine from Over 30 years ago stopped by. WOW.
Peace, Allan