Hi, everyone:
On behalf of the
River Road - Santa Clara Volunteer Library board, I want to thank you for supporting our fundraising efforts. On a personal note, I'm absolutely
stoked to get to work with you folks again - you do good works, and I love being a small part of it.
The Bookfair fundraiser works as follows: The Volunteer Library is responsible for promoting the event and providing a fun, in-store component that is designed to draw as many people in as possible to shop and support the Volunteer Library. In return, Barnes & Noble contributes a percentage of sales from the day back to us. A few years ago when Barnes & Noble hosted a Bookfair fundraiser for us, we netted about $500. We hope to beat that this year, but with the current economic climate, we can never be too sure. We'll be promoting like crazy, and obviously the goal is to get as many people in and shopping as possible! I'll be utilizing social media quite heavily - between Twitter and Facebook, I hope to spread the word wide and early - and we'll also use traditional methods like press releases and poster/fliers.
Saturday, July 10 we'll probably be hosting a few authors and possibly a musical guest, so there will be (hopefully) quite a bit going on. That said, the Garrison will be the biggest draw, so I'll be promoting your appearance the most.
Who we are: As many of your know, the Volunteer Library is a small, volunteer-operated community library dedicated to serving the River Road and Santa Clara neighborhoods in Eugene. While the city does have a public library system, because of the technicalities of city limits, the communities of River Road and Santa Clara fall outside of the city and don't have access to the Eugene Public Library without paying an annual fee of $100 (rumor has it that it may increase soon, though I'm not sure of the specifics).
Anyway, thanks again for helping us out. We know that without your help, we'd be hard-pressed to have a fun, successful fundraiser. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Many thanks!