Author Topic: Tron and Disney parks  (Read 1936 times)

Offline Jabbasdead

Tron and Disney parks
« on: March 21, 2010, 03:47:55 PM »
My buddy that works for Disney had this information in regards to Tron and the Disney parks.

Just a little Disney update on Tron Legacy scheduled for release on 12/17/10. Everything is proceeding at "lightspeed" toward the release, and the "buzz" began last weeknd with a several city release of the IMAX 3D trailer to a select special event ticketed audiences. The effects, and light cycle races are incredble, and if you attend this weekends release of "Alice" you'll be able to see the trailer in 3D also.
Next week the next "buzz event" will be the unveiling of the "Tron-A-Rail" at WDW REsort, followed by Disneyland in the common months. The monorail wrapping was designed right here in California and it is really incredble.
Just a little Tron FYI
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