Author Topic: Mike's Cad Bane  (Read 38397 times)

Offline Bodacieah

Re: Mike's Cad Bane
« Reply #75 on: February 05, 2018, 03:15:11 PM »
Love following your feed,  if you get the weathering thing down let me know, I need to do it for my vest.

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« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 08:31:56 PM by CadBane3 »
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Offline CadBane3

Re: Mike's Cad Bane
« Reply #76 on: February 06, 2018, 04:11:03 PM »
Got some painting done today. When I looked at my palette halfway through, I realized I was knee deep in some serious business:

20180206_135856 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

Here are my gauntlets. I am calling them done until they are systematically picked apart again:

20180206_155100 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180206_155118 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180206_155144 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180206_155200 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

If anybody has any advice on how to smooth out the transitions between the materials, I'd greatly appreciate any feedback. Gesso didn't build up enough and I really hate how the transitions between the materials look. Kind of want to scrap the whole damn thing... Maybe wood glue? Please, somebody help me.

This should leave just the jacket that needs a "washed out all over" look. Whatever that's supposed to mean...
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Offline Lidocaine

Re: Mike's Cad Bane
« Reply #77 on: February 06, 2018, 04:57:11 PM »
Would smoothing it over with Bondo and sanding like a crazed man help? Maybe some test runs before applying it all over would be in order.

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Luke - BH/TB/TK-44228

Offline nukem25rs

Re: Mike's Cad Bane
« Reply #78 on: February 07, 2018, 08:10:17 PM »
i think a little pleather would go a long way in filling the spaces....i mean.. just sayin..

i would agree with Luke.. but if its because you want it flexible because of the foam.. maybe kwikseal? or use the epoxy again.. sand it down and then fill with glazing putty??

Still looking good.. tough costume to complete and an impressive feat to accomplish!
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Mike Kraemer
Centurion 285 user- NUKEM25RS
R2-Q5 user Nukem25rs
ARC Trooper Havoc User Nukem25rs

Offline CadBane3

Re: Mike's Cad Bane
« Reply #79 on: February 08, 2018, 04:02:30 PM »
Thank you Luke and Mike for the input. I really considered pleather at one point, but that would be for the Cad Bane Evening Wear line, which I have been told I have to be approved before I can start building!! LOL

Anyway, today's update is brought to you by Frustration and Not Being a Quitter!

So, when we left off, the painting was done but I was really unhappy with the transitions between the materials and the areas that were just not looking good. In an effort to resolve these problems, I initially turned to wood glue. I spread it on like so:

20180206_162527 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

and when it dried, it looked pretty darn good, but there were new transition points now, so I thought, well, maybe I need to use more! Note to self and to other builders, don't ever do this... So, mistakes were made:

20180207_135503 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

Once dried, the initial transition points were looking pretty good but the rest were a complete mess:

20180207_184111 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

So, I sanded and I sanded and I sanded and it just didn't seem to make them better. I took a break and had a good cry and then I sanded some more. Came up with this:

20180207_190205 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180207_190214 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180207_190226 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180207_190233 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

We'll call these the measles version of the gaunts. Not anywhere close to where I would consider them ready for submission. Too bumpy and just not something I'm proud of.

So, I considered bondo, but damn, I was tired of sanding. I considered other options, but now that they were a total mess, I really just wanted to hide what I had done. I had been holding off on using worbla because it is so expensive, but then I thought how stupid I was that I was holding up a build this expensive because of $30 in worbla. So, I started brainstorming how I would make new sides. I cut out some like so:

20180208_105658 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180208_105715 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

I then added E6000 to give it some adhesive and then very carefully around the edges I heated it up and formed it.

20180208_111015 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

I was very careful to not hit the middle so that it wouldn't just lay flat on the bumps and be another problem. And so, I ended up with this:

20180208_144700 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

So, I did the other side:

20180208_145945 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

So, I now have this!

20180208_153942 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180208_153948 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

And then started on the other gaunt:

20180208_152417 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

It was at this point that I ran out of worbla, so I was half a gaunt short. More worbla is on order so I am hopeful to get this one done and then I can reinstall the electroshock emitters and get started on painting it.

I am now hopeful that this will be the answer. Please let me know what you think!
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Offline daryldoak

Re: Mike's Cad Bane
« Reply #80 on: February 08, 2018, 07:45:57 PM »
I think they look really good! (but I’m not exactly sure what they are supposed to look like.  Lol)
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Offline CadBane3

Re: Mike's Cad Bane
« Reply #81 on: February 09, 2018, 04:03:10 PM »
What up y'all! Happy Friday! I was able to scratch enough worbla together to get the other gaunt done, so now I have these!

20180209_134723 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180209_134808 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

Then, I was able to re-install the electroshock emitters. Gotta keep those pesky Jedi in check!

20180209_145838 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

Then, a coat of wood glue so that I can pain the worbla. This time, I remembered the lessons of earlier this week and didn't use too much and kept it rather thin. I just want a thin layer to smooth out the worbla, not a dripping mess! Never forget!

20180209_153153 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

Once that dries, I can hit them with paint again and see what I'm dealing with. I am real hopeful that this was the answer and they are close to being done. Phew! Stoopid things!!!!

On another note, a big brown box showed up today!

20180209_134538 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

This was my mask and hands from Chris Stevens Creations!

20180209_141800 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180209_141846 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180209_141956 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

This thing is an absolute work of art and belongs in a museum.

The issue with the mask, as it pertains to my costume, is the size and the hoses. The hoses are not correct from a potential CRL standpoint, so I would have to swap them out, but the nice thing is that they are hollow, so if I do switch them out, I could potentially blow life giving air into my face! The mask is very large and there is also room for fans inside, if I decide to go that route. The only problem with the size is that my hat, which I've already been told is good to go, wouldn't fit on the dang head!!! So, I'd have to build another hat.

See this for a size comparison:

20180209_150041 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

And not to continue harping on them, because they are amazing, but the hands wouldn't work for my costume either. They are nice and fit real well, but the molded on gloves wouldn't be approvable and would need to be covered. They are just too big for my current gloves to fit over. I could probably cut off the fingers and use them, but that would be a shame!

Anyway, as noted, they are beautiful and may end up in my case as a nice display piece, but since I'm already neck deep on my submission, I think that keeping the items as I have them for basic approval may be the way to go. Too many changes would stress me out.

Who knows, perhaps the Screaming Porgs could use a Duros pilot amongst their ranks someday...
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Offline Lidocaine

Re: Mike's Cad Bane
« Reply #82 on: February 09, 2018, 04:19:12 PM »
Wow, the mask and hands look amazing! Chris really does some amazing work.

You have the right idea, keep chipping away at all the changes and you'll be the CRL model before you know it! :D
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Luke - BH/TB/TK-44228

Offline CadBane3

Re: Mike's Cad Bane
« Reply #83 on: February 11, 2018, 12:59:59 PM »
Very small update today as there just wasn't much time this weekend, but I put a coat of paint and a drybrush on my gaunts. Here they are in all their worbla glory!

20180211_124428 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180211_124458 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180211_124440 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180211_124511 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

Are they done? I don't know, but they are light years closer than they were last week. May pick up some lighter grey paint to give them a few more highlights. Getting pretty excited to work on the jacket this week and see if I can take some new submission photos. Eager to hear the feedback as to the changes I've made.

And, not Cad related at all, but I hit I Like Comics Con yesterday and this was the only thing I bought (well, I bought the full 4 issue set). Because, who doesn't want to see what happens when Boba Fett pops Vader in his asthmatic mouth? LOL

20180211_104216 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr
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Offline Bodacieah

Re: Mike's Cad Bane
« Reply #84 on: February 11, 2018, 04:45:18 PM »
I truly enjoy reading your progress, it inspires Me. As what I have to do seems easy peasy, but we all have our challenges and crosses to bear.

Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk

« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 08:38:37 PM by CadBane3 »
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Offline CadBane3

Re: Mike's Cad Bane
« Reply #85 on: February 12, 2018, 02:50:35 PM »
Happy Monday all! I know, I know, if it were so happy, it would be Friday... But anyway...

Started to work on my jacket weathering today. All bounty hunters are dirty fellas and whatever the female equivalent of fella would be... Filly? I dunno. Anyway, so I don't want to dive in feet first and have it be a poor job, so I started working on the scrap pieces of the coat I have laying around. I gave it a drybrush of Angelus Light Brown leather paint, and then used a paper towel to smear off most of it and then did some areas sporadically with a layer of Angelus Capezio Tan. Please let me know what you think as I'd like to get this jacket looking great.

Here is an unaltered section:

20180212_143826 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

And here is the section I did:

20180212_143820 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

Here is about what I am trying to achieve:

Cad Coat by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

Cad Coat2 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

Let me know what you think!
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Offline CadBane3

Re: Mike's Cad Bane
« Reply #86 on: February 12, 2018, 06:47:21 PM »
Having received positive feedback from the two that are reviewing my submission, I powered through and painted the duster/jacket. Here is what I ended up with:

20180212_180851 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180212_180906 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

It's a much more beat up and worn in look. I kinda like it. The wife has advised that I am not to start weathering all her clothes, but she doesn't own me!!!

Anyway, since that was the last of the items on the feedback chart, I went ahead and took re-submission pics:

20180212_182832 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180212_182836 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180212_182839 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180212_182842 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180212_182900 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

20180212_183021 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

My breathing canister is not laying flat on my back, but I have added Velcro to it so that it will, that is, when I am not having a 12 year old help me get dressed. In his defense he's only about 4 feet tall and couldn't see what was wrong. I can retake that one if necessary.

Anyway, what do you all think? Wish me luck!
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Offline carpe mindiem

Re: Mike's Cad Bane
« Reply #87 on: February 12, 2018, 07:28:28 PM »
It looks great! The next time I buy pleather pants, I'm going to hit you up to weather them.  :lol:
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Offline daryldoak

Re: Mike's Cad Bane
« Reply #88 on: February 12, 2018, 09:14:48 PM »
Looks fantastic Michael!  Great job!
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Offline CadBane3

Re: Mike's Cad Bane
« Reply #89 on: February 13, 2018, 04:17:39 PM »
No updates today and since I had some time on my hands, I read the previously mentioned Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire 4 issue series. It takes place 5 years before ANH and Boba is hired by Vader to hunt someone down who has something he wants and Vader's plan is to kill Boba after he does the job. Oddly enough, Boba spends the series in his ROTJ paint job. Something only us nerds would notice. An interesting tidbit that I wanted to share though was that this was the series that originally explained Boba's helmet dent. The page is below:

20180213_150022 by Michael Halstead, on Flickr

Anyway, I know it's been retconned, but it was still pretty interesting to me. We are now told that Cad Bane gave Boba the helmet dent in an unfinished Clone Wars episode, but still, this was a pretty neat find when I came across it. Enjoy!
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