I finally decided on my first build into the 501st and that's a Snow Scout! I started a couple weeks ago and here is my WIP so far.
Flightsuit: I already had a white flightsuit that I had for another project that I changed my mind on, all ext pockets removed, sleeves altered, cut up some pants I was going to toss to make a pattern for the suede patch.
Helmet: I am in the process of acquiring a fiberglass helmet in a trade. side note, its the angle of the camera and/or the lens, the sides of the visor aren't shaped as badly as they appear in this photo.
Hold out blaster: 3d printed.
Still need to buy:
-Balaclava - purchased
-Gloves - purchased, no luck finding locally so I ordered from Amazon for $4, then found a 3 pack for $2.80 locally.
-Mukluks - purchased, thank you to my amazing brother for Christmas.
Still need to make:
-Vest - done
-Cummerbund - done
-Pouches - done
-Thermal Detonator (3d print parts to add to PVC)
-Shoulder armor mold - WIP
-Forearm armor mold - WIP
-Glove armor mold
-Utility belt mold needs adjusted - WIP
-Back armor mold (going to use a shadowguard back as a base) - WIP
-Chest armor mold (just happened to have this old start of a TK chest plate that is going to work perfectly as a beginning to a snowy chest plate. - WIP
So theres where I am at today.