WHAT: Camas Days Parade
WHERE: in Camas (see details below)
DATE: Saturday, July 23rd
TIME: Arrive: 9:30am
Staging begins: 10am
Ready for parade: 10:30am
Parade starts: 11am
PARKING: 1500 NE Garfield St Camas, WA 98607 (see details below)
EVENT WEBSITE: https://downtowncamas.com/event/https-downtowncamas-com-event-camas-days/2022-07-22
Green circle: parking/changing (
1500 NE Garfield St Camas, WA 98607)
Purple line: walk to staging (about .5 mile from green parking)
Blue lines: parade staging
Yellow line: parade route (1 mile)
Red line: walk back to cars
Note: We will have to walk back to parking from end of parade. We could optionally have someone park near the end of the parade and act as a shuttle back to parking. We could also consider hanging around downtown Camas to meet and greet for a little bit.