Haha oh gosh. Great idea to test out a helmet, and even better idea to always remember to wear toe protectors! I'm lucky to have a sewing machine with a mint condition user guide, so if I need to do some sewing, I should be able to (slowly) work through it.
Speaking of shoes, I am getting pretty turned around looking at boots for Zam, to the point where I may just skip that character for now. I have a really hard time finding shoes in general because I have really wide feet, and I have absolutely no idea how to figure out what size of Prada boot might fit. I've been poking around in the forums, but I haven't really run across anything that looks like a good alternative to the secondhand Prada boots. I'm going to think about it a bit more, but the sensible thing might be to just work on a more forgiving costume, at least to start.