I haven't tried using the DVD recorder before and was only able to locate an RF cable, so I'm not sure if the quality will be "perfect" but I think it'll be quite good. I'm trying the dub right now and I'll let you know the results when it finishes.
I do have the G4 coverage of C4, but it's 4 hours long and therefore won't fit on a single DVD (at least not without finding the manual to figure out if it has a "EP" mode or something), but I can give that a try after the History Channel special is done.
I also recorded the entire saga (Episodes I-VI) in High Definition when it was broadcast May 25th...but I don't own a Blu-ray recorder yet.
Unfortunately, Chef Billiam (TIE Pilot) is out of town this week and he has my DVD drive so I don't have a good way to dupe these, but I should be able to at least get one copy made and have it available by Starlight, especially if someone wants to take over replication duty.