Thanks for the input folks! Keep in mind that is is just something I made up as a placeholder instead of the usual... "This page has been parked courtesy of...." Eventually I'll learn html coding, and figure out the html editor program (to a further extent) that came free (along with 24 other website building proggy's) with my hosting plan. I want to make that image an animated GIF (eventually) so that a red blaster bolt comes out the barrel and reds out the whole screen, (like the viewer would be catching a blaster bolt to the face).
LOL, I photo-shopped the master photo my avatar is derived from, and I blacked out the background literally ONE PIXEL at a time that was close-in around my image so it would look alright. I do have an embedded player, I just turned the pixels down to ZERO because I didn't like having the player seen, and as for the "slow people", well..... get broadband!!
I may add some other songs to the playlist and make the player visible again, but I won't have anymore time to fiddle with this for a while. I just wanted to see what I could come up with besides the STUPID placeholder that was in place before.