Hello everyone - The response you are giving our April 5 Radiothon is gratifying. I can't tell you how excited I am that this is really happening! Allan and I chose the times he gave because that is when we predict the greatest mall traffic. We will do whatever it takes to accommodate your photo back drop. Do you think you'll need a rope set up to handle lines of people?
We will be broadcasting live on KOOL 99.1 from Valley River Center, Center Court. There will be volunteers answering phones, the radio broadcast personalities, and Miracle Families sharing their stories.
I also let Allan know that once you have your flyers, etc. drafted I will finish them up with the Children's Miracle Network and Sacred Heart Medical Center brands and get them reproduced. Be sure you give me about two weeks lead time - we will be in full crisis mode those days before Radiothon!
Take care (I don't have an insider Star Wars quote, sorry!)