As many of you know, this is the third year for the Light Vader's Saber event. This has been quite a successful event. The donation dollars keep growing every year!
One thing that we are adding to the event this year is an awards ceremony. Simply put, Robin is organizing a small awards ceremony for all the folks who are behind the scenes, helping CCG. These are folks some of you never see, or know about. They donate a lot of their own personal time and talents to take care of us during events like "Light Vader's Saber".
It is time that we recognize these folks for all the good that they do on our behalf. The last thing we want to do is to give the impression that it is a thankless job - it isn't. The folks that assist us in making us a better garrison need to know how much we appreciate them, from the stewards that assist and feed us, to the folks who print out our materials for the kids, even the building management who donate the space we use, FOR FREE!
What we would like is for every trooper who attends this event take part of this awards ceremony. It is real simple. We line up in some sort of formation, by faction (Rebels in a column, Imperials in a column and Jedi in a column) and as each name is called, we give them a Cloud City, Kashyyyk Base salute to show are gratitude.
So this is part of the game plan with this event. Please do your part in participating in this event. A little PR goes a long way.
Also, those who are involved in Eric's fanfilm, he is doing some more filming at some point during the event. Those who have parts, be prepared to participate in that as well. Personally, I am excited about this year's "Light Vader's Saber" event. If there are those who are still riding the fence as to whether they want to show up or not, let this be an encouraging word to come out. This is a fun event and it will be a great time to be had by all.
Troopers of this event, remember to bring some pics of yourself. Part of the fundraiser is that folks buy pics of their favorite characters for a dollar and that trooper autographs the pic for those folks. They don't need to be very big. I usually do 4"x6" or 3.5"x5"... it is really up to you. You should be safe with 75 - 100 pics. I've never run out whenever I had that many. If you don't have any pics, that's ok. But if you do, bring them!
Any other questions, PM Robin (rtpaynter) or myself!
Thanks, gang!
- Bill