What: Star Wars event at the Children's Museum
Where: 4015 SW Canyon Rd, Portland, OR 97221
When: March 28th from 11:00am to 2:00pm
Details: Dark Horse has asked us to help them with their
Superhero Saturday event at the Portland Childrens' Museum (aka CM2). Troopers need to be dressed and ready to appear at noon. We will have a secure changing location.
ROSTER: (Now organized by costume type)
-----------rebels:Karyn - Padme
Katie - Leia
Tony - Old Ben
Harry - Jedi
Billy - Jedi
Dave - Jedi
imperials:Jason - Darth Vader
Rob - TD
Allan - TK
Jim - TK
Carlos - TK
Greg - TK
Will - TK
Christy - Mara Jade
Steve - Boba
Randy - Dengar
Kyle - Clone Commander Bacara
Chris S - Clone Commander Neyo
Paul - Clone Commander Thire
denizens:Michael W. - Tusken Raider
Chris' kids - Jawas
spotters:Martin - video
Danielle - photos/handler
Nikki - spotter
Scott - spotter