I will make a fresh batch of chilli just for you Tony my next trip up. I want to say a BIG thanks to Tony and David for doing the maintenance to the park. If I knew there was power I would have brought a TV and DVD player for the kids, next time. I want to thank everyone that showed up, I was worried that we would have like 10 people show up. I had a great time, my kids had a great time and I am glad to hear people enjoyed themselfs. I already have plans for next year to make it better. It was good to put faces to "call signs" since I am still relatively new to your garrison. I can tell you after talking to a lot of you and after the meeting I am more pumped about being in the garrison.
Rob, thank you for allowing me to help with the birthday party. Cooking in general is theraputic and I was glad to help.
Bill, great talk, like I said what ever I can do to help.
Kyle, you have my number. Thanks again for letting me do this.
Tony, we will talk again.
Thanks again, hope we don't have to wait until next year to do again-Holiday party anyone
For those of you that can help I believe we collected half of the fee's for the park rental and could use a little assistance on collecting the rest. Thanks again.