I mentioned this in the event thread, but want to thank all of you for your time and help.
It is so important to costumed people that you are there. For this particular event, everyone was on spot. An event like this can get really chaotic and out of control fast. I felt like there were angels on the wings everywhere we went. My particular costume leans on this service more than most...(cant see a darn thing...especially when around smaller people)
I appreciate you making sure we had proper escort, understanding where we needed to be, making sure costumes were in line, crowd control, assisting in us in getting ready, cat-herding when we decide to wander...
All very crucial and important for an event such as this to be successful. Your efforts keep the Legion/Garrison looking very professional as well as making sure our visitors can easily interact. I consider the success of this event largely in part by you.
From the Admiral: Thanks