Hello Tyler & Dad. Welcome to the Cloud City Garrison. It can be a bit overwhelming at first, I feel ya there. So, each one of the ideas you have are covered by 3 different detachments.
https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/Spec Ops
https://specops501st.com/Clone Detachment
https://501stclonetroopers.com/If I was Tyler... I would figure out what build he really wants to focus on first & join the proper detachment for assistance in constructing the suit. The detachment will have a wealth of knowledge concerning that particular build. As your suit/build will have to be approved here at CCG by a membership officer, the detachment will be the place to start to make sure you build it to proper CRL standards to meet our minimum membership guidelines. Once your build is completed, you can submit for approval in the 501st Legion & the CCG.
We do have members here that can assist, but in our experience it is always best to seek assistance at the detachment level concerning the construction phase. On occasion, we do have build parties that you would be able to attend for assistance in physical construction, but they are pretty random and not on any set schedule. We are all volunteers with very random schedules, so detachment help is usually pretty quick.
Hope this helped set you on the right path, and once again... Welcome!